
Rule #16: Express Your Creativity

When some twentysomethings think about expressing creativity, they believe that it means being creative in a strictly artistic sense, which might mean being a good writer or musician or painter or photographer, for example. If you asked these same people if they thought that they were creative themselves then you would most likely get a negative answer.  However, the thing about creativity is that whether we know it or not, it’s something that we all express in our daily lives, from the most mundane activities to the most challenging ones. Being creative just means there is no limit to finding new and different ways to get the most out of expressing who you are as an individual, whether you are artistic or not. If you really want to get the most out of life in your twenties and discover your true individuality, then you have to get creative about how to be creative. When you are truly creative, you are just approaching all aspects of your life differently and thinking in a way that expresses your own individual uniqueness.  If you approach life in your twenties with this mindset, then you’ll discover how to enjoy your life the most you can.

If you don’t consider yourself an artist, expressing your creativity can be something as easy as finding new ways to enjoy even the simplest of daily activities. From the moment you get up in the morning until the moment you go to bed at night, there are countless ways to make your day more creative and exciting.  If you’re someone who is used to a routine everyday, change it up now and then.  Try a different cereal for breakfast, drive a new way to work, workout at a new gym (if you go to the gym), find a new website to explore every day, check out a new bar or restaurant once a week, rearrange the furniture in your apartment.  All it takes to be more creative in your daily life is to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while.  Sometimes being creative just means finding a different way to enjoy the things in our lives that we are most used to.

If you are someone who is artistically minded, there is never a better time to explore that aspect of your creative self than when you are in your twenties. There has never been a time when there have been as many simple, cheap and easily accessible ways to share your creativity with the rest of the world as there is now.  If you’re an aspiring filmmaker, then all it takes is a small digital camcorder and YouTube to share your creativity.  If you’re a wannabe writer, then all you have to do is create a blog (which is free).  If you want to be a radio host, start a podcast.  There really aren’t any limitations except your own excuses.  If you have the desire and the passion to be artistic and creative, there is no reason for you not to share your talents with the world.  Even if it’s just expressing your creativity for yourself, the important thing is to take advantage of the freedom and available resources you have as a twentysomething in today’s world to be creative.

Although changing up your daily routines is a great way to be creative and bring some more diversity into your life, being creative also means challenging yourself.  Sometimes, in order to be truly creative you need to break boundaries, test limits, take chances and not be afraid to take on more responsibility for pushing yourself further.  Don’t be afraid to do this in any area of your life.  At work be creative by taking charge of new projects or finding more efficient ways for your company to do things.  During some free time, take a vacation to a country or a city you never thought you would visit.  Be creative in your social life by exploring new places and going to new events in your area that you never had before.  All of these are just examples of potentially hugely rewarding ways that you can bring more creativity into your life.  If you just think outside the box and take some risks when you have the opportunity to as a Quarterlifer, then you’ll see how bringing creativity into your life can make it more exciting and interesting than you ever thought it could be.

As Quarterlifers today, we are constantly creative in the way we live our everyday lives more than any generation before us.  In the way we communicate, the way we work, the way we relax, the way we consume media, and in countless other ways we are creative in the way we shape our individual worlds.  To get the most out of life in your twenties, you need to find a way to not only use this creativity to make your life easier, but to also make it more fulfilling.  Take the time to explore and express your individual creativity and you’ll discover the world around you is more dynamic, fun, exciting and rewarding than you knew it was before.

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