
Rule #15: Don't Settle

There might come a moment when you look around and take stock of what you have around you.  A steady job and paycheck that might not be as fulfilling as you had hoped but lets you afford a decent social life, a living space that might not be perfect but it’s a place to call home, a girlfriend/boyfriend that’s a great companion but you’re not sure if you want to spend the rest of your life with them.  You’ve overcome a lot of challenges to get what you have and to be where you are so far and even though you might not be completely fulfilled, you’re likely to say to yourself “well, it could be worse.”  As long as you have the paycheck, the apartment and the companion, you tell yourself that it’s better to have them than to not, even if they’re not ideal.  However, as a twentysomething just getting started in your adult life, there is no reason why you should have to settle for anything in your life.  It is a struggle to gain security and contentment in life sometimes, but when you are in your twenties and have so many years ahead to find true fulfillment, it’s not worth it to settle for “just okay” at this point in your life.  It’s great to remain positive and grateful for what you do have, but keep striving to reach even higher and to not settle for anything less than what you believe you can achieve for yourself.

Currently, we’re living in a “be fortunate for what you have” society.  The economy isn’t at it’s strongest, unemployment is high and sometimes it doesn’t seem like there’s too much optimism around.  While some of these aspects have affected today’s Quarterlifers, there is no reason why it should bring down any hope for change in the future, and should not encourage any twentysomething to settle for what they know in their hearts isn’t what they want for the rest of their lives.  With some of the harsh realities that our society is currently facing, it just means that you have to get a bit more creative to find your path to happiness.  For example, you may have to stick it out at your job for a little while more, but find ways to pursue your other dreams when you can.  If you want to be a writer, you may have to sacrifice some of your free time to devote to writing.  If you want to get a new car, you might have to be more disciplined in saving a few more dollars here and there.  If you want to start a small business, do whatever reading and planning you have to when you can and start it on the side.  Just because your current circumstances might not allow you to fully pursue what you want right now, no one says you can’t find a way to work towards your dreams in the present moment.  With just some discipline and patience, little by little you can find a way.

How can you tell if you might be settling for something in your life?  Just listen to what your heart is telling you.  There are so many aspects of your life where people will be telling you what’s right and what’s wrong and what you should and shouldn’t accept in your life.  Only you will know in your heart if you are settling for something you know you shouldn’t.  If there is a situation where you feel that it’s not quite right, listen to that instinct.  Don’t feel guilty about exploring options, trying something new or pushing yourself further than you think you can.  Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a career, in any area of life that requires total commitment and devotion it’s never worth giving in to or settling for a situation that doesn’t have the potential to be something your heart truly desires.  No one else can tell you what your life should be so anything less than what makes you happy and fulfilled is only settling for what others are telling you is right.  If you are aware of what your emotions are telling you, then you’ll know how to push yourself above settling and towards the fulfillment you desire in any aspect of your life.

Everyone has dreams, but sometimes it’s easy to slip into comfort and contentment and settle for less that what we ultimately strive for.  Sometimes our fears of losing what we have can distract us from what we can potentially achieve.  You shouldn’t feel like you have to change your whole life overnight if it’s not ultimately what you want, but as a twentysomething with a long future ahead it’s not the time of life to accept all that you have as all that you are going to get or can get without motivation and effort.  Of course there are times when you’ll have to make some sacrifices, but if you keep working towards your dreams and your goals you’ll find that those sacrifices will be worth not settling for less than your highest ambitions.  If you listen to your heart and strive past settling, then you’ll find that there is so much more you can have to be fortunate for than what you have right now.

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