
Rule #8: Have an "Attitude of Gratitude"

For most twentysomethings, it can often feel like there is a lack of pretty much everything: money to spend, an abundance of good friends close by, an easy or fulfilling job, a large and clean apartment along with decent roommates, not to mention a steady or stable relationship.  For every typical twentysomething a few years removed from college there will always be at least one area of their lives that will lead to asking of the question, “Is This All There Is?”  Sometimes it can seem like so much is going wrong in many areas of life, that it’s really hard to see the positive in anything, and especially to be grateful for all that you have in your life right now.  However, what we often tend to forget is that our own world around us is all based upon how we perceive it.  If you think about all of the negative stuff around you, then your world will feel pretty rough.  If you take the good from the bad and have an “Attitude of Gratitude,” then you’ll be guaranteed to have a more positive feeling about what you DO have, instead of what you’re lacking in your life.

The truth is, sometimes there are a lot of things in our current lives that are out of our control.  Maybe you just suffered an unexpected breakup, or you don’t have enough money to go out with friends on a Friday night, or your boss is too demanding, or your rent just got raised and you might need to move.  When you are faced with these uncontrollable situations, it’s easy to look at the negative side or to react in a way that’s anything but positive.  Yet, if you take an “Attitude of Gratitude” you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can turn a negative situation into a positive one.  With a breakup, be grateful that you had the time with that person and that you can find someone who will appreciate you even more.  If you’re not in a great financial situation, be grateful that you have the opportunity to learn how to be responsible with your money.  If you’re boss is too demanding, be grateful that they are trying to push you to be a better worker or make you realize your limits as their employee.  If you’re rent is raised and you need to move, be grateful that you have an opportunity to find a new place that might be even better than the place you’re living now.  While it may seem hard to believe at times, for every situation there is always something to be grateful for if you look hard enough.

Although it is more difficult to be grateful during times that are tough, it’s also important to have an “Attitude of Gratitude” in times that are good, too.  Whenever you are fortunate to have something good happen in your life, be grateful for it and enjoy it as fully as you can.  For some of these good moments, they may be one of the few times they may happen.  Also remember to be grateful for those who help you in those good times.  Even just remembering to say “thank you” more often will make a world of difference to yourself and those around you who are supporting you in the good times and the bad.  Think about the times when you’ve done a good deed or done something helpful for someone else.  If they’ve expressed their gratitude or even just said a simple “thank you,” it’s made you feel pretty good, right?  If you are more thankful to others and appreciate their thanks as well, you’ll feel proud about helping out your friend or neighbor and will be more motivated to help them and others out in the future. 

At times it may seem like everyone and everything in the universe is conspiring against us, especially in our twenties when we’re struggling and hoping for even a little bit of fortune, opportunity and momentum.  During these times the last thing we often feel is gratitude, but whether we like it or not it is inevitable that you will experience both good times and bad as you find your way through the Quarterlife years.  Keeping an “Attitude of Gratitude” is important in both the good and the bad times because the good moments never last forever and there is always a lesson to learn from the bad.  Every moment is what you make of it, and even as bad as things may seem sometimes, there is probably someone out there who has it worse.  With an “Attitude of Gratitude” you can learn from and appreciate every moment you have and look back at your twenties with a feeling of grateful positivity.

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