
Rule #4: Give Back

While our generation certainly has had its challenges and tragedies (especially within the last decade), for the most part current twentysomethings have not had to deal with a lot of the challenges that faced former generations.  One of the encouraging things about the current generation of Quarterlifers is that we have learned not to take our blessings for granted, and have wanted to make a positive difference in our society rather than commit mistakes that may lead to other challenges in the future.

With the economy faltering in the past few years, most people in their twenties are starting to discover that there are more important things in life to value than just money and material goods, which this current economic crisis has taught us can disappear in an instant.  Twentysomethings these days are looking for more meaning in their work and what they do rather than just earn a paycheck.  It’s not always possible to find a perfect career that brings both complete monetary and moral fulfillment, but one great way to gain a bit of that personal satisfaction is to find ways to serve and give back to your community.

Volunteering brings many personal rewards and benefits, and there is no shortage of opportunities awaiting you in your community.  All it takes is a little exploration and dedication. You can always find simple ways to help those around you and feel a lot better about yourself as well.  Here are some of the advantages to dedicating a little bit of free time to help out in your community:

- It’s a great way to find, discover and develop new interests and strengths.  If you’ve always though about possibly teaching or working with children, there are tons of mentoring opportunities.  If you enjoy playing a particular sport, like basketball, there are probably some community leagues where you can coach some kids in need.  If you want to support the environment or the poor, there are tons of organizations for those causes.  For any mild interest you may have, volunteering is a great way to explore it.  Who knows, it may lead to a new path or career!

- It’s a great way to meet people outside of work and expand your social circle.  Sometimes it can be difficult to find other social outlets to meet new people besides local bars or a friends’ house or apartment.  Volunteering provides a great social outlet to meet all sorts of new friends and even do some networking.  Most other people who are volunteering with an organization are there to have some fun as well, and you might find someone who can turn you on to a new interest or job or even someone to ask out on a date!

-It’s a great way to develop and exhibit your strengths and skills at work.  These days, employers are looking for people who have other diverse interests and are involved in their communities.  So at the very least, showing that you volunteer with an organization will look good on a resume.  While most companies have volunteer programs or groups as part of the company, if you find they don’t, start one!  It will show leadership skills and initiative, which are two extremely important aspects that employers want to see in their current and perspective employees.

-It can expand your worldview.  Getting out into your community can open your eyes to a whole different side of the world that you probably weren’t aware of.  It will often bring to light many aspects of life for those less fortunate that we often don’t get to see in our own private lives.  It will also make you grateful for the things that you are fortunate to have in your life that you take for granted. Volunteering doesn’t have to be a big commitment, and can take as little of your time as one hour a week.  But if you are a bit more ambitious or adventurous, look into one of the more involved volunteering organizations (like The Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or WorldTeach) where you have the ability to travel abroad or around the country.  It’s never too late to get out and explore the world, and make a difference while you’re at it.

-It’s fun and makes you feel good about yourself!  It’s not always easy to give up a little bit of time after a long day of work or on a weekend when you just want to rest and relax, but if you find an organization that matches with your interests and personality, the rewards will make up for the sacrifice many times over.  If you put yourself in the shoes of the people who you are helping, you’ll appreciate the gratitude they feel for you giving your support to make their lives a bit easier.  That is always a fun and an incredibly fulfilling feeling!

Start to explore the many ways that you can help get involved in your community.  Most organizations have informational sessions where you can go and get information, ask questions and satisfy your curiosity with no pressure to join.  Attend a few info sessions, or even start working for a short time with one or two organizations.  If it’s not something you’re particularly enjoying, then move on.  Organizations only want volunteers who are dedicated, and will appreciate any time you donate, even if it’s not for the long term.  The important thing is finding an organization you feel comfortable with and can get what you are looking for from it, too.  Giving back to your community might not be one of the most necessary rules to live by in your twenties, but it is certainly one of the most rewarding.

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